Quotes 3 Dr. Mahendra Raju

 Good afternoon friends .. 

Our secret of life lies when we always look up for God that be .. and looking up  I call it looking inside as God resides within us ..

And what is intended for us .. what our life meant to be will be effortless ..

Believe in existence .. everything falls in it's place ..

Have a  wonderful day ahead .. 🍇


Good afternoon friends .. 

It's our decision,  how we want to lead our life .. specially now at least in this phase of our life when we are free from all our responsibilities .. 

Let us take the best out of our Life  .. Let us Live Lively and Lovely .. 

Have a nice day ahead ..🎙️📽️🎙️


Good afternoon friends .. 

Everything in this world is beautiful .. it's because it is created by God .. 

But we don't see that Beauty and Enjoy it and be part of that Beauty .. 

Tell me what God will think if we ignore that beauty that is embedded in everything around .. God will feel bad that his beautiful creation is not seen and not enjoyed ..

Be the part of the Beauty of the Beautiful creation of God .. 

Have a nice day of enjoyment. 😲😇😎


Good afternoon friends .. 

Striving to become better than yesterday is the law of nature .. every plant, every animal, every bird, even an insect like ants or honeybees .. strive to become more better day after day in their growth & in their skills to live their lives more fulfilling .. then what stops us, the humans live the lives stagnated as is where is .. 

Let us learn a lesson from the nature around and strive to become better day after day ..
Have a better and fulfilling day ahead .. 🛸✈️🛸


Good afternoon friends .. 

Change means growth .. growth means success .. success means joy .. joy means health ..  
Unless we accept the changes that happen around us .. be it in family or be it in the workplace .. we won't be able to grow and lead a beautiful life ..

Have a wonderful and enjoyable weekend .. 🏓🚀🏓


Good afternoon friends ..  

Every adversity we face .. be it in family, in education, in community or in workplace .. it will pass .. no situation is permanent .. 

You know what .. all adversities are tests by God .. it is God's way of testing our resilience .. let us stand upto God's tests .. lrt us not disappoint Him ..

Have a wonderful and blessed  Sunday  to get things done in a positive way.  🌷🪂🌷


Good morning friends .. 

Whatever we think in the morning as we get up, it gets manifested .. the entire universe conspires to make it true .. 

So beware .. if you doubt yourself & if you are afraid of failure in your attempts .. or if you are confident of yourself & if you are wishful of succeeding in your attempts .. whichever you think .. will become true .. yep yat bhavam tath bahavathi ..

Have a meaningful life .. ❤‍🩹🌈🛖


Good evening friends .. 

We can't fix up what wrong we have done .. but it should be a lesson to live better than yesterday .. 

Good luck for a blessed and successful week ahead 🪵🍂🪵


Good noon friends ..

Yes .. we need ourselves to ourselves more than anyone else .. even if it is spouse, siblings, children or any other relatives or friends .. they are all there so long we have enough financial backing .. 

Don't we see older parents are left with no care by their own children (why talk of siblings and others) when their financial worth is zero .. 

It is where we need to take care of our financials .. not spending liberally on children or grandchildren .. no-one will care later when in need ..

Let's be in this life lesson .. enjoy your Sunday ..🎉🌊🏖️🍹💞


Good morning friends ..  

All of us know that people might walk with you for a while,  but .. no one will walk for you ..

It is our journey .. we have to tread our path how much ever difficult it is to reach our goals .. age is no bar though ..

Good luck for a nice day.🍍🍓🍎🍅


Good morning friends ..

Have you ever thought of, listening to chirping of birds means what .. 

Listening to the chirping of birds creates a sense of mirth and joy .. it releases oxytocin dopamine and serotonin like do-good chemicals in the body .. 

Now question is .. how many of us could watch and hear the chirping of birds anytime anywhere .. 

Those who could, bravo .. Those who don't, try to do it .. I do it though .. Enjoy God's own creation ..  

Have a nice day. 🪄🪄🪄


Good afternoon friends .. 

Without any fear or favour, let's try to live a free flowing life and enjoy life unconditionally as it unfolds .. 

Happy Sunday ..🐸🐸🐸


Good evening friends .. 

Knowledge is power. It can be acquired by learning .. however, by observation, we can enhance our wisdom, thereby 
we can evolve a meaningful life forever .. 

Good luck for a meaningful life. 🏮🪄🪭


Good morning friends ..

Forgiving oneself means .. releasing oneself from the grudges one is bearing in one's mind against others .. be it spouse, siblings, parents or one's own children .. and these grudges psychologically act like a knife pointed against one's own self .. grilling one's own self .. 

That's why we need to get absolved from these grudges by forgiving oneself .. 

And forgiving oneself means forgiving others .. we can't forgive others unless we forgive ourselves ..

Just chillax and enjoy life free from grudges against others ..

Have a great day ahead 🌅🌌💫🍦🍹


Good evening friends ..

What's the limit ?? Who decides, its you .. you alone can fix the limit .. 

So when we have umpteen potential opportunities unfolding before us .. then the sky is the limit .. 

Go ahead for the kill .. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 🪁🪄🪂🛹🛼



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