Amazing Child Artist and other stories-- Dr. Muralidhar
********************************************************************************* Intellectual information! Amazing indeed. A rjuna’s Arrows and Algebra! Bhāskarāchārya (1114 -1185 CE), has been called the greatest mathematician of medieval India. He was born in Karnataka, and is considered the progenitor of Differential Calculus - 500 years before Newton and Leibniz! Bhāskarāchārya wrote at least four mathematical treatises in Sanskrit. One of them, titled Leelavati, contains many algebra-related teasers, which have become the subject of significant research by scholars. These teasers are in the form of shlokas which pose the problems. The shlokas need to be interpreted correctly to decipher the meaning in order to find the solution. Take a look at the shloka displayed below. पार्थ: कर्णवधाय मार्गणगणं क्रुद्धो रणे संदधे तस्यार्धेन निवार्य तच्छरगणं मूलैश्चतुभिर्हयान् | शल्यं षड्भिरथेषुभिस्त्रिभिरपि च्छत्रं ध्वजं कार्मुकम् चिच्छेदास्य शिरः शरेण कति ते यानर...
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