Quotes 2 Dr. Mahendra Raju


                                           Good morning friends. No matter how good you are.

                                          If you are in bad company, you too will become rotten.

                                                Good luck for better company.🏂🎸🪽🕊️


                                   The fragrance spreads only in the direction of the wind, but

                                   goodnes spreads in all directions.

                                                Good morning friends,



            Good morning friends, let us unload the burden of                            unwarranted thoughts like self doubt, self pity, self denial         etc....... as much as possible....... as frequently as possible... to keep afresh in our mind agile in body and blissful in spirit... Good luck for bright and beautiful Saturday.



Good morning Friends .. Life is free flowing like a river .. unmindful of highs and lows .. river as it goes hits the boulders .. plunging in gorges on the way .. yet never tires .. discovering it's path as designed .. and the river never cursed God for it's ordeal .. simply accepts everything that unfolds as it goes .. happily generating soothing sounds of it's own flowing .. 

Shall we learn a lesson here friends .. Have a great free flowing self discovery called Life .. 💜


Good morning friends .. We should inculcate a virtue that helps us let-go .. not to react on any real life situation .. be it someone's words .. be it someone's attitude .. be it our possessions .. be it our relationships .. anything and everything .. just let-go .. If we realise this fact .. nothing and no one can destabilize us at any point of time .. Good luck for a successful journey called life ..🌈🌈🌈\


Good morning friends .. Here's a trick for you .. Go to bed with sweet memories .. definitely you wake up in the morning afresh .. Your day would be very pleasant .. Have a pleasant day ..🛸🚡🛸


Good morning friends .. When we want to say anything to anyone .. let us get it filtered by these three litmus tests .. Good luck for better thoughts and have a bright day .. 💫💫💫


  Good morning Friends .. here I differ .. quitting is not losing .. sometimes quitting itself is winning .. and winning should never be taken as winning .. for the feel of winning might breed arrogance in us .. and arrogance pushes us into failure .. so let's beware of these human dynamics and take winning and losing at the same pace .. neither happy on winning nor sorrow on losing ... have an equanimous day ...



      Happy Morning
      Ability is what you are
      capable of doing ...... !
      Motivation determines
      what to do .....
      Attitude determines 
    how well you do it ....
     Have a wonderful day !!!💖


Happy morning
For every Dream in your heart...........
Let God give you
Inspiration .....
For every hope you
seek, let God give you 
Unexpected miracles.
For every faith you have, let God bless you more.
Have a wonderful Day ....
Good morning friends. Forgiveness is a virtue. Unless you know how to forgive, you won't be able to heal the wounds, you are responsible for. First, you may forgive you, yourself and the others. Best wishes for a smooth and peaceful day.🍉🍑🍓

Good morning friends .. Happy friendship day ..

We should always have the gratitude towards our friends and relatives who were behind us emotionally if not financially when we were in distress .. Good luck for an enjoyable weekend.🚢🚕🚝⛵✈️


Happy morning Friends ..

To me good and bad are learnt perceptions .. otherwise in Bhagavad Gita Krishna says .. I am the Good .. I am the Bad .. I am the bloom .. I am the calamity .. I am the joy and I am the tragedy .. so why worry .. 

Any bad .. any calamity .. any tragedy .. when we face .. let us realise it's God whom we are facing .. relax and enjoy every bit of Life as it manifests .. Bravo ..

Have a wonderful day 💞


Good morning friends. It's your light 🕯️,no one should be allowed to dim 🔅 it at any cost. Have a blessed Sunday.💫✨💫


Good morning friends .. When you have belief in God, your prayers are heard and it will be answered .. but of course at the appropriate time when you are meant for it .. Good luck for a blessed Sunday ..🌛🌜


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