Stories Courtesy Dr. Muralidhar

Q. Why do we offer coconut to God?

The coconut with juttu symbolises human head. It is broken symbolising the breaking of the ego.The juice within represent vasanas along with white kernel..the mind is  offered to the God. The mind thus purified by the touch of the Lord is taken as Prasada. 

The marks on the coconut represent three eyed Lord Shiva. That is why it is kept on the kalasha and worshiped.

Coconut also symbolizes selfless service. Every part of the tree is useful. 

Though it thrives on salt water it always gives sweet water to the user.

We have to learn a lesson from coconut tree, whatever may be the adverse conditions out side, we should always give our sweetness to the society.๐Ÿ•‰️๐Ÿ•‰️๐Ÿ•‰️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

                                                                                              Courtesy : Dr. Muralidhar


 Courtesy : Sri Mahendra Raju


In class, the teacher asked the children:

 "Which place in the world is called the epitome of love..?"

 The whole class shouted in unison:

  "Taj Mahal"

  Only one student said:


  The teacher asked him to stand up.

 "What do you mean…?"

  The boy stood up and said, "Rama Sethu was built by Lord Rama not to bury his wife's dead body on the occupied land, but to bring back his wife!!!

  Moreover, Lord Rama gave full respect to those who built the bridge.  Sri Rama did not cut their hands so that nothing like this would happen again in the world."

  The teacher and other students were shocked.

 Indian history needs to be re-read from a new perspective.

 Rewrite Indian History



The first person who translated the Bhagvat Gita to Urdu was Mohammad Meherullah.

Later he adopted Hinduism.

The first person who translated the Bhagvat Gita to Arabic was a Palestinian named El Fateh Commando.

Later he joined Iskcon in Germany and followed Hinduism.

The first person who translated the Bhagvat Gita to English was Charles Wiliknos.

Later he adopted Hinduism. He even said only Hinduism will survive in the world.

The first person who translated the Bhagvat Gita to Hebrew was an Israeli named Bezashition le Fanah.

Later he adopted Hinduism in India.

The first person who wrote the Bhagvat Gita in Russian language was Novikov.

Later he became devotee of Bhagwan Krishna.

Till now 283 intellectuals translated the Bhagvat Gita,

out of which

58 were to Bengali,

44 to English,

12 to German,

  4 to Russian,

  4 to French,

13 to Spanish,

  5 to Arabic,

  3 to Urdu and so on to many other world languages.

The person who translated Al Quran to Bengali was Girish Chandra Sen

He didn't convert to Islam as he had read the Bhagvat Gita




There are 26 gods in gayatri mantra

That is why it’s called the mother of all mantras


Tat- Ganesh

Sa- Narasimha

Vi- Vishnu


Va- krishna


Ni - Lakshmi

Yam- Agni

Bha- Indra

Rgo - Saraswati

De- Durga

Va- Hanuman

Sya- Prithvi

Dhee- Surya

Ma- Sriram


Dhi- Chandra

Yo- Yama


Na- varuna

Pra-Lakshmi and Vishnu 


Da- Hamsa

Yaat - Tulasi

Gayatri has fire in the face, 

Brahma the creator in forehead, 

Vishnu the protector in heart and 

Siva the destroyer on top of head.

So its a combination of all Gods.

Goddess Gaythri confers the boon of Intelligence, Protection as Savithri and Learning as Saraswathi. 

Gayathri is therefore called Sarvadevata Swarupini ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

                                                                  Courtesy : Dr. Muralidhar

Power of saying YES

Cape Town's uneducated surgeon Mr. Hamilton, was awarded an honorary degree of Master of Medicine; but, he could neither read nor write - he was illiterate. Let's examine how this was possible.

Cape Town Medical University is a leading university in the medical world.

The world's first heart-bypass operation took place at this university.

The honorary degree of Master of Medicine, was awarded to someone who had never seen the inside of a school, in his life.

He could neither read an English word nor write .....

But one morning in 2003, world-renowned surgeon Professor David Dent announced in the university auditorium: "Today we are awarding an honorary degree in medicine to the man who produced the most surgeons in the world". He is an extraordinary teacher, an amazing surgeon and studied medical science and surprised the human mind.

With this announcement, the professor said the name: "Hamilton" and the entire auditorium stood-up and cheered the Doctor. 

It was the biggest reception in the history of this university.

Hamilton was born in Sanitani, a remote village in Cape Town. His parents were shepherds, he wore goat-skin, and walked in the mountains barefoot all day. As a child, his father fell ill; so he left the sheep and goats and moved to Cape Town, for work. Construction was underway at the University of Cape Town in those days.

He joined the university as a labourer. He would send home as much money as he could get, and after a hard day's work, he used to sleep in the open ground chewing gram himself to sleep.

He worked as a laborer for many years. The construction process completed, and so he found the job of mowing the tennis grass-courts at the university.

He arrived at the tennis courts, and would start mowing the tennis lawn, daily.

He did this for three years ...

Then came a strange turning-point in his life which enabled him to reach and 'touch' medical science - where no one else had ever experienced or been, before.

It was a mild, warm morning and Professor Robert Goetz, was researching giraffes, and wanted to see why - "When a giraffe bends its neck to drink water, why doesn't it have a seizure?"

They laid a giraffe on the operating-table, knocked him unconscious, but as soon as the operation started, the giraffe shook its head. So they needed a strong man to keep the giraffe's neck tight and still during the operation.

The professor went out of the theatre, and saw 'Hamilton' mowing the lawn in front. The professor saw that he was a healthy young man, of strong stature and beckoned him over and ordered him to grab the giraffe's neck. "Hamilton" grabbed its neck.

The operation lasted eight hours. During this time, the doctor continued to take tea and coffee breaks; however, "Hamilton" stood holding the giraffe's neck without moving much. When the operation was over, Hamilton quietly went out and started mowing the lawn.

The next day, the professor called him in again, and he came and grabbed the giraffe's neck and remained standing-up all the time. This became Hamilton's routine for the next many months, and neither did he demand any compensation for the additional duty, nor did he complain.

Professor Robert Goetz was impressed by his perseverance and sincerity; Hamilton was promoted from mowing the tennis courts to "Lab Assistant." He now arrived at the university, and went straight to the operating-theatre, to help the surgeons. This process continued for years.

In 1958, came another turning point in his life. This year Dr. Christian Barnard came to the university and started pioneering heart- transplant operations. Hamilton became his assistant during these operations, and went from an assistant to become an "Additional Surgeon".

Now, after the surgeons operate, the Additional Surgeon would remain after the operation. Hamilton was given the task to stitch-up after the heart surgeon had completed his task. Hamilton used to do excellent stitches. His fingers were clean and fast. He stitched fifty people in one day. Whilst working in the operating-theatre, he began to learn and understand the human more detail, than any surgeon would have. So, the senior doctors gave Hamilton the responsibility of teaching the junior doctors.

He now began teaching surgery techniques to junior doctors. He gradually became the most important figure in the university. He was unfamiliar with the terms in medical science, but, he became, and was the best cardiac- surgeon in the world.

The third turning-point in his life came in 1970, when research on the liver began that year; and he identified one such liver artery during such a surgery.... which made liver-transplantation easier and safer.

His remarks (and knowledge) astonished the great minds of medical science of the day.

Today, when a person has a liver-operation in some corner of the world; and the patient re-opens his eyes and sees light - the reward for this success goes directly to Mr. Hamilton.

"Hamilton" achieved this position with sincerity and perseverance. He was associated with the University of Cape Town for 50 years, in those 50 years he never took a vacation.

He would leave home at three o'clock in the morning, walk 14 miles to the university, and enter the operating-theatre exactly at six o'clock. People used to synchronise their watches with his punctuality.

He received an honor, that nobody in medical science has ever achieved..

He was the first illiterate teacher of medical science, in history.

He was the first illiterate surgeon to train 30,000 surgeons in his lifetime.

He died in 2005 and was buried at the university grounds. It became compulsory for every graduating surgeon, soon after obtaining their degree from the university, to go straight to his grave and take a picture - before beginning their practical career as surgeons.....

"Do you know how he got to this position?"

"With only one "yes"

The day he was called to the operating-theatre to grab the giraffe's neck; if he had refused on that day, or, if he had said that day, "I am a Grounds Maintenance Worker, my job is not to hold the giraffe's neck"; he would never have become a surgeon. 

It was a "yes" and an extra eight hours of hard work that opened the door of success to him, and enabled him to become a surgeon.

"Most of us have been looking for a job all our lives. All the while: "we must find work".

Every job in the world has at least one criterion, and the job is available only to those who meet that criteria; whereas if you wanted to do work, you can start any work in the world in a few minutes; and no power in the world would be able to stop you.

"Hamilton" had found the secret, he gave importance to work rather than the job. Thus, it changed the history of medical science.

Imagine if he had applied for a surgeon's job, could he have become a surgeon? Never, but he put the hoe down and held the giraffe's neck and became THE surgeon!

There are unemployed people who fail because they just look for a job, not for work.

The day you started working like "Hamilton", that's the day, you will win the Nobel Prize and become a great and successful human being.

๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน                     Courtesy : Dr.Muralidhar

                                                    The Philosopher and the Monkey

An interesting story to read:

A man was travelling in a boat with his monkey.

There was also a philosopher with other passengers in that boat.

The monkey had never travelled in a boat before, so it was not feeling comfortable.

It was going up and down, not letting anyone sit in peace.

The boatman was troubled by this and was concerned that the boat would sink due to the panic of the passengers.

If the monkey doesn't calm down it will drown the boat.

The man was upset about the situation, but could not find any way to calm the monkey.

The philosopher watched all this and decided to help.

He said: " If you allow, I can make this monkey as quiet as a house cat."

The man immediately agreed. 

The philosopher, with the help of two passengers, picked up the monkey and threw it into the river.

The monkey started to swim desperately to stay afloat.

It was now dying and struggled for its life.

After some time, the philosopher dragged the monkey back into the boat.

The monkey was quiet and went and sat in a corner.

The man and all passengers were surprised at the changed behaviour of the monkey.

The man asked the philosopher: "At first it was jumping up and down. Now it is sitting like a pet cat. Why?"

Philosopher said: "No one realises the misfortune of another without tasting trouble. When I threw this monkey into the water, it understood the power of the water and the usefulness of the boat."

Monkeys that are jumping up and down in India should be thrown in North Korea, Afghanistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Pakistan, Srilanka or even China for 6 months, then on coming to India, they will automatically become calm as a pet cat and will lie in a corner.

Dedicated to all monkeys Abusing 'India'.๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ


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The old shepherd in the photo was actually the biggest confidant of the army. Read the full post. Your head will automatically bow down at his feet. In 2008, Field Marshal Manek shaw was admitted to Wellington Hospital, Tamil Nadu. In his serious illness and semi-conscious state, he would often take one name - 'Paagi-Paagi!' One day the doctors asked, "Sir, who is this Paagi?"

Sam saheb himself briefed...

1971 India had won the war. General Manek shaw was in Dhaka. He ordered to call Paagi. He would have dinner with him today. A helicopter was sent. While boarding the helicopter, one of Paagi's bags was left behind. The helicopter was landed back to pick it up. As per the rules, the officers opened the bag before placing it in the helicopter and were stunned because it contained two rotis, onions and a dish made of gram flour (gathia). In dinner, Sam sahab ate one roti and Paagi ate the other.

 A border post in Suigaon International Border area of ​​North Gujarat was named Ranchhoddas post. This was the first time that an army post was named after a common man and his statue was also installed. 

Paagi means guide, the person who shows the way in the desert. General Sam Manekshaw used to call Ranchhoddas Rabari by this name. 

Ranchhoddas was from Pethapur Gathdo village adjacent to Pakistan border in Banaskantha district of Gujarat. He used to rear sheep, goats and camels. His life changed when at the age of 58, Banaskantha Superintendent of Police Vanraj Singh Jhala appointed him as a police guide.

His skill was such that he could tell how many people were riding on a camel by looking at its footprints. He could estimate everything from weight to age by looking at human footprints. He could estimate how long ago the footprints were and how far they might have gone with utmost accuracy as if a computer was doing the calculations.

At the beginning of the 1965 war, Pakistan Army captured Vidhkot situated on the Kutch border in Gujarat, India. In this encounter, about 100 Indian soldiers were killed and a contingent of 10000 soldiers of the Indian Army had to reach Charkot in three days. Then Ranchhoddas Pagi was needed for the first time! Due to his command over the desert routes, he had taken the army to its destination 12 hours before the scheduled time. He was personally selected by Sam Saheb to guide the army and a special post was created in the army - 'Pagi' which means expert of feet.

He had informed the Indian Army about the location and estimated number of 1200 Pakistani soldiers hiding in the Indian border by finding out their footprints only, and this was enough for the Indian Army to win that front.

In the 1971 war, along with guiding the army, it was also part of Pagi's work to deliver ammunition to the front. Pagi played an important role in the victory in which the Indian tricolor was hoisted on the Palinagar city of Pakistan. Sam Saab himself gave a cash prize of ₹300 from his pocket.

Pagi also received three honors for his contribution in the 65 and 71 wars - Sangram Medal, Police Medal and Samar Seva Medal!

Sam Manekshaw died on 27 June 2008 and in 2009, Pagi also took 'voluntary retirement' from the army. Pagi was 108 years old then! Yes, you read it right... 'voluntary retirement' at the age of 108!  Pagi died in 2013 at the age of 112.

Even today he is a part of Gujarati folk songs. His tales of bravery will be sung for ages. Ranchhoddas Rabari i.e. our 'Pagi' became immortal in Indian military history forever due to his patriotism, valor, bravery, sacrifice, dedication and decency.

This picture is of him๐Ÿ™๐Ÿซก


Worth reading..!

GURU  ~ By Dr. Subhash Munje.

I started my first job at a hospital in Alibaug.

One afternoon, an injured woman was brought in. She was pregnant after 11 years of marriage.

A bull roaming around the streets of Alibaug knocked her down & gored her stomach with its horn.

It was a scary sight, with part of the woman's stomach injured and a baby's hand peeping out of the crack of the uterine wall.

My mind was in a turmoil. The mother's life could be saved, her stomach wound was not serious. But to sew up the wall of the uterus was unthinkable, as it was impossible to put the child's hand back inside. 

The family's mandate was clear, "Save the mother's life". But how would I ignore the call of that little hand which appeared to be asking for help!!!!

The operation theatre had a skeleton staff. Apart from me, there were two nurses, a compounder and a helper whose job was to sterilize tools.

He was middle aged and an alcoholic, but extremely sincere & efficient in his work for which the entire staff tolerated him.

In the OT, I observed that he was standing quietly & observing the proceedings. 

After healing the stomach wound, how do I get that little hand inside was beyond my bookish knowledge. The creator had made the Uterine wall so strong that it cannot be opened easily, no option came to my  mind except to perform surgery.

At this point, the helper, who was silently watching, all of a sudden came up to me and whispered in my ear, "Saheb, there is a way that the hand will automatically move back in".

I stared at him. Time was precious. I didnt know why, but my inner conscience made me ask him what he had in mind. He said, "Heat the injection needle and touch the hand, it will immediately go back". 

Having no other option, I agreed to his suggestion. I prayed to God in my heart and asked for a hundred apologies from that little one.

I gathered courage, warmed the needle and pricked the little hand lightly.

The miracle happened at once!! The baby's hand immediately withdrew  back inside with a jerk.

The further work was easy. I put the strap on by dressing the uterine wall.

Two months later, the woman safely delivered the baby in the same hospital and that little baby was smiling right in my hands.

I consider that helper as one of my many gurus. 

To my mind, I believe  that when there is no cure by the books, God shows the path as a guru in any form, as the helper showed me that day. His tip will not be found in any medical book.

In the end I will say, "This is the Will of God"

(From Doctor Subhash Munje's book "Behind The Mask")


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