Quotes Dr Mahendra Raju
A good life needs only a right attitude.
Every thought you create is followed by a feeling. Your feelings over a period of time develop your attitude – about people, situations, work and about the world. So, depending on your feelings about a person or a situation, you will develop an attitude towards them – which can be of acceptance, resistance, respect or indifference. Our thoughts create our attitude, so we have the power to change our attitude by changing our thought patterns. Even whether we have enough or lack something in life is almost always about our attitude, not about how much we actually have.
God bless us all ❤️
Good morning friends.
Unless otherwise you think,
no one can break you, It's your thoughts can
destroy yourself.
Good morning friends .. It's important for all of us to choose what our conscience tells us to do but not our intellect tells us to do so .. for intellect is the product of worldly wisdom .. whereas conscience springs from spiritual fountain .. so the life lesson is to ho with conscience and Let Go rest all what we face in Life on daily basis .. for a joyful and peaceful living .. Have a great time ahead .. 🏇🏌️🚴
Good morning friends .. A wiser man prudently speaks with limited words but will have greater meaning .. Have a bright day ahead .. 🍓🍑🍓
Good luck for a successful and peaceful day.🍛🍜🍛
Good morning friends.
Believe in God's plan that whatever is happening is
all for the goodness of you and get experienced.
Have a wonderful day ahead.🍈🥝🍈
Good morning friends.
When you can find beauty in everything,
your life becomes more comfortable and peaceful.
Try to find beauty in everything. Have wonderful time.🌍🌕🌎
Good morning friends.
When you have unquestionable trust on some one,
you will have either of the result. Good luck for better results.
Have a wonderful day ahead.🌹🥀🌹
Good morning friends .. It's important for all of us to choose what our conscience tells us to do but not our intellect tells us to do so .. for intellect is the product of worldly wisdom .. whereas conscience springs from spiritual fountain .. so the life lesson is to ho with conscience and Let Go rest all what we face in Life on daily basis .. for a joyful and peaceful living .. Have a great time ahead .. 🏇🏌️🚴
Good morning friends .. A wiser man prudently speaks with limited words but will have greater meaning .. Have a bright day ahead .. 🍓🍑🍓
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